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NEET Mock Test on Structure And Functions

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Structure and Functions NEET Mock Test

Questions in this NEET Mock Test are taken from following Chapters

  • Cell : The Unit of Life
  • Biomolecules
  • Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Note : All these Questions of Biology NEET Mock Test are directly taken from our favorite NCERT Textbook and Previous year Questions Papers.

No. of Questions in Mock Test 50 with Explanation
Time for each Questions 60 Seconds
Attempts Allowed Unlimited
Available Always
Pass Percentage 70 %

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Chapterwise Biology Quizzes

Structure And Functions Mock Test NEET

#1. The two functional groups characteristic of sugars are

Sugar is a common term used to denote carbohydrate.

Carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehyde, ketone or their derivatives, which means they have carbonyl and hydroxyl groups.

#2. Which one of the following statements is correct, with reference to enzymes?

Holoenzyme is conjugated enzyme in which protein part is apoenzyme while non-protein is cofactor.

Coenzyme are also organic compounds but their association with apoenzyme is only transient and serve as cofactors.

#3. A non-proteinaceous enzyme is

Ribozyme is RNA acting like an enzyme or biocatalyst.

#4. The chitinous exoskeleton of arthropods is formed by the polymerisation of

Exoskeleton of arthropods is made up of chitin. Chitin is a homopolymer of N-acetyl glucosamine.

#5. Which one of the following is not applicable to RNA?

Chargaff’s rule is applicable only for dsDNA.

#6. Macromolecule chitin is

Chitin is a polymer of N-acetyl glucosamine.

#7. Telomerase is an enzyme which is a :

#8. In 'S' phase of the cell cycle

S- phaseSynthesis phase. DNA replication occurs in this phase.

#9. The enzyme recombinase is required at which stage of meiosis

Recombinase enzyme is responsible for crossing over.

#10. A common characteristic feature of plant sieve tube cells and most of the mammalian erythrocytes is

NCERT Class 11 Page No.138 (8.5.10 3rd Paragraph last line)

#11. Select one which is not true for ribosome

NCERT Class 11 Page No.140 (Summary 3rd Paragraph 6th line)

#12. Which one of these is not a eukaryote?

#13. Which of the following dyes is not used for staining chromosomes?

#14. Which of the following features is common to prokaryotes and many eukaryotes?

#15. Who proposed the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.132 1st Paragraph 2nd Line

#16. What is a tonoplast?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.134 ( Vacuoles 3rd line)

#17. Which of the following is not true of a eukaryotic cell?

A cell wall made up of peptidoglycan is found in bacteria and not in eukaryotes. Eukaryotic cell wall is made up of cellulose hemicellulose, pectin chitin etc.

#18. Which of the following statements is not true for plasma membrane?

#19. Plastid differs from mitochondria on the basis of one of the following features. Mark the right answer.

NCERT Class 11 Page No.136

#20. Which of the following is not a function of cytoskeleton in a cell?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.136 (8.5.7 Cytoskeleton 3rd line)

#21. What is the main arena of cellular activities in eukaryotic cells?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.126 (8.3 AN OVERVIEW OF CELL 3rd line from Below)

#22. lt is said that the elemental composition of living organisms and that of inanimate objects (like earth’s crust) are similar in the sense that all the major elements are present in both. Then what would be the difference between these two groups? Choose a correct answer from among the following:

NCERT Class 11 Page No.143 (Table 9.1) But in Table we found H more in Earth Crust

#23. Many elements are found in living organisms either free or in the form of compounds. One of the following is not found in living organisms.

NCERT Class 11 Page No.143 Table 9.2

#24. Many organic substances are negatively charged, for e.g., acetic acid, while others are posi- tively charged for e.g., ammonium ion. An amino acid under certain conditions would have both positive and negative charges simultaneously in the same molecule. Such a form of amino acid is called

NCERT Class 11 Page No.144 Diagram

#25. The most abundant chemical in living organisms could be

NCERT Class 11 Page No.147 3rd Paragraph last line

#26. Glycogen is a homopolymer made of

NCERT Class 11 Page No.148 (9.5 POLYSACCHARIDES 6th line)

#27. Meiosis results in

NCERT Class 11 Page No.171 Summary 2nd Paragraph

#28. At which stage of meiosis does the genetic constitution of gametes is finally decided?

The genetic constitution of gametes is finally decided in anaphase 1 because the separation of chromosomes takes place and 2n from the parent becomes n in daughter cells in this stage

#29. Meiosis occurs in organisms during

NCERT Class 11 Page No.167 10.4 MEIOSIS 1st line

#30. During anaphase–I of meiosis

NCERT Class 11 Page No.169 1st Line

#31. Mitosis is characterized by

NCERT Class 11 Page No.167 1st Line

#32. A bivalent of meiosis-I consists of

NCERT Class 11 Page No.169 Figure 10.3

#33. Cells which are not dividing are likely to be at

NCERT Class 11 Page No.164 1st Paragraph

#34. Which of the events listed below is not observed during mitosis?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.171 (Summary 2nd Paragraph 6th line) more mentioned on Page No.168

#35. Identify the wrong statement about meiosis

#36. Select the correct statement about G1 phase.

NCERT Class 11 Page No.163 4th Paragraph 1st line

#37. M-phase in human cell lasts for

NCERT Class 11 Page No.163 2nd Paragraph

#38. Which of the following is correct about Interphase?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.163 2nd Paragraph

#39. S-phase is not characterized by

NCERT Class 11 Page No.163 Last Paragraph

#40. If a cell has 2n number of chromosome in G1 phase, what is the number of chromosome in cell after S-phase?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.163 4th Paragraph last line

#41. Cells at the end of prophase, when viewed under the microscope, do not show

NCERT Class 11 Page No.165 1st Paragraph 1st line

#42. Anaphase is characterized by

NCERT Class 11 Page No.166 1st Paragraph 1st line

#43. Plant shows continuous growth throughout their life because of

NCERT Class 11 Page No.167 2nd Paragraph last line

#44. Mitosis helps

NCERT Class 11 Page No.167 2nd Paragraph

#45. Prophase I is divided into how many phases based on the chromosomal behaviour?

NCERT Class 11 Page No.168 1st paragraph 3rd line

#46. Synaptonemal complex formes in

NCERT Class 11 Page No.168 2nd Paragraph 9th line

#47. Monomeric unit of cellulose is

NCERT Class 11 Page No.148 (9.5 POLYSACCHARIDES 6th line)

#48. Monomeric unit of inulin is

NCERT Class 11 Page No.148 (9.5 POLYSACCHARIDES 8th line)

#49. Sugar + Nitrogen bases form

Lot’s of Students forget this Also so we ask this Question.

#50. Sugar + Nitrogen bases + Phosphate forms



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  1. This mock test is awesome 😍😍😍 completely based on ncert ✨ very helpful at revision time 🔥 we can rock ⚡

  2. Please increase frequency of mock test.
    Now I’m fully dependent on your quiz because i found that my silly error of ncert correct by these questions and now I’m very much confident in biology. I hope u will help us.
    Thanku for such a amazing quiz


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