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Evolution Biology NEET Quiz Online

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Details of Evolution Biology Quiz for NEET
No. of Questions in Quiz37 with Explanation
Time for each Questions60 Seconds
Attempts AllowedUnlimited
Pass Percentage70 %

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#1. According to Hugo de Vries, the mechanism of evolution is

As per mutation theory given by Hugo de Vries, the evolution is a discontinuous phenomenon or saltatory phenomenon/saltation.

#2. Among the following sets of examples for divergent evolution, select the incorrect option

Divergent evolution occurs in the same structure, example – forelimbs, heart, brain of vertebrates which have developed along different directions due to adaptation to different needs whereas eye of octopus, bat and man are examples of analogous organs showing convergent evolution.

#3. The similarity of bone structure in the forelimbs of many vertebrates is an example of

In different vertebrates, bones of forelimbs are similar but their forelimbs are adapted in different way as per their adaptation, hence example of homology.

#4. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher milk output represents

Artificial selection to obtain cow yielding higher milk output will shift the peak to one direction, hence, will be an example of Directional selection. In stabilizing selection, the organisms with the mean value of the trait are selected. In disruptive selection, both extremes get selected.

#5. Genetic drift operates in

Genetic drift operates in small isolated inbreeding population.

#6. In Hardy-Weinberg equation, the frequency of heterozygous individual is represented by

In Hardy Weinberg equation, p2 = Homozygous dominant individuals 2pq = Heterozygous individuals q2 = Homozygous recessive individuals

#7. The chronological order of human evolution from early to recent is

The chronological order of human evolution from early to the recent is Ramapithecus → Australopithecus → Homo habilis → Homo erectus

#8. A molecule that can act as a genetic material must fulfill the traits given below, except

A molecule which is unstable structurally and chemically cannot act as a genetic material.

#9. Which of the following structures is homologous to the wing of a bird?

Wings of bird and flipper of whale are modified fore limbs but wings help in flying and flippers help in swimming.

#10. Analogous structures are a result of

Analogous structures are a result of convergent evolution.

#11. The wings of a bird and the wings of an insect are

The wings of a bird and an insect are analogous structure which differ in structure and origin but perform similar functions and represent convergent evolution.

#12. Industrial melanism is an example of

Industrial melanism is an example of natural selection.

#13. Which of the following had the smallest brain capacity?

Brain capacity

Homo sapiens – 1400 cm3

Homo neanderthalensis -1400 cm3

Homo habilis- 650 – 800 cm3

Homo erectus – 900 cm3

#14. Which is the most common mechanism of genetic variation in the population of a sexually-reproducing organism?

In sexually reproducing organisms the most common cause of variations is recombination.

#15. A population will not exist in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium if

Selective mating alters Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Random mating maintains the equilibrium.

#16. Forelimbs of cat, lizard used in walking; forelimbs of whale used in swimming and forelimbs of bats used in flying are an example of

Homologous organs have common origin but perform different functions

#17. Which one of the following are analogous structures?

Gills of prawn and lungs of man have different origin.

#18. The eye of octopus and eye of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they perform similar function. This is an example of

Analogous due to convergent evolution Analogous organs exhibit different structure but perform similar functions. Phenotype similar/similar function.

#19. The process by which organisms with different evolutionary history evolve similar phenotypic adaptations inresponse to a common environmental challenge, is called

Similar phenotypic applications

Convergent evolution

Different species with different evolutionary history

#20. The tendency of population to remain in genetic equilibrium may be disturbed by

Random mating is responsible for maintaining Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. 5 factors responsible for disturbing Hardy weinberg equilibrium are

  1. Gene flow
  2. Genetic drift
  3. Genetic recombination
  4. Mutation
  5. Natural Selection

#21. Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. This is referred to as

Genetic load : Loss in average fitness of individuals in a population because population carries deleterious alleles.

#22. According to Darwin, the organic evolution is due to

#23. Evolution of different species in a given area starting from a point and spreading to other geographical areas is known as

Adaptive radiation is diversification of single species or a group of related species into new ecological or geographical zones resulting in formation of additional species.

#24. What was the most significant trend in the evolution of modern man (Homo sapiens) from his ancestors?

Humans have enlarged brains, shorter arms in relation to their ape-like ancestors.

#25. The extinct human who lived 1,00,000 to 40,000 years ago, in Europe, Asia and parts of Africa, with short stature, heavy eye brows, retreating for heads, large jaws with heavy teeth, stocky bodies, a lumbering gait and stooped posture was

Neanderthal man could have co-existed with Homo sapiens.

#26. The idea of mutations was brought forth by

Hugo de Vries gave mutation theory while working on Oenothera lamarckiana ( = evening primrose)

#27. Darwin’s finches are a good example of

Adaptive radiation : Radiation of organisms into different geographical areas and thus generation of new species.

#28. Peripatus is a connecting link between

#29. In the case of peppered moth (Biston betularia) the black-coloured form became dominant over the light-coloured form in England during industrial revolution.

Presence of lichens on tree barks before industrialization allowed lighter variety of moth to flourish.

#30. Which one of the following scientist’s name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by him?

Mendel → Laws of genetics.

Pasteur → Theory of biogenesis.

Hugo de Vries → Mutation theory

#31. Fossils discovered in Java in 1891 belonged to

Homo erectus includes 3 fossils.

Java Ape man, Peking man and Heidelberg man.

#32. Which one of the following pairs of items correctly belongs to the category of organs mentioned against it?

Blind spot is not vestigial.

Wings of honey-bee and wings of crow → Analogous.

Thorn of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita – Homologous.

#33. Which one of the following in birds, indicates their reptilian ancestry?

Epidermal scales are present on hindlimbs of birds.

#34. When two species of different genealogy come to resemble each other as a result of adaptation, the phenomenon is termed

#35. Adaptive radiation refers to

#36. The Finches of Galapagos islands provide an evidence in favour of

Adaptive radiation → different species due to divergent evolution, this was due to geopraphical isolation.

#37. One of the important consequences of geographical isolation is

New species are formed due to geographical isolation. Interbreeding is possible only in individuals of isolated population.




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