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Cell Cycle and Cell Division Biology Quiz for NEET

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Details of Cell Cycle and Cell Division Biology Quiz for NEET
No. of Questions in Quiz35 with Explanation
Time for each Questions60 Seconds
Attempts AllowedUnlimited
Pass Percentage70 %

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#1. In 'S' phase of the cell cycle

S- phaseSynthesis phase. DNA replication occurs in this phase.

#2. The enzyme recombinase is required at which stage of meiosis

Recombinase enzyme is responsible for crossing over.

#3. The stage during which separation of the paired homologous chromosomes begins is

Synaptonemal complex disintegrates. Terminalisation begins at diplotene stage i.e. chiasmata start to shift towards end.

#4. Which of the following options gives the correct sequence of events during mitosis?

#5. Anaphase promoting complex (APC) is a protein degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell, which of the following is expected to occur?

Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein necessary for separation of daughter chromosomes during anaphase. If APC is defective then the chromosomes will fail to segregate during anaphase.

#6. During cell growth, DNA synthesis takes place in

DNA replication occurs in S-phase of cell cycle.

#7. When cell has stalled DNA replication fork, which checkpoint should be predominantly activated?

G1 / S check point of cell cycle is a major check point.

#8. In meiosis crossing over is initiated at

  • Leptotene – Condensation of chromatin
  • Zygotene – Synapsis of homologous chromosomes
  • Pachytene – Crossing over
  • Diplotene – Dissolution of synaptonemal complex and appearance of chiasmata
  • Diakinesis – Terminalisation of chiasmata

#9. Spindle fibres attach on to

Spindle fibres attach to kinetochores of chromosomes

#10. A cell at telophase stage is observed by a student in a plant brought from the field. He tells his teacher that this cell is not like other cells at telophase stage. There is no formation of cell plate and thus the cell is containing more number of chromosomes as compared to other dividing cells. This would result in

Polyploid cells have a chromosome number that is more than double the haploid number.

#11. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature during mitosis in somatic cells?

Synapsis is pairing of homologous chromosomes. It occurs during zygotene stage of meiosis.

#12. During which phase(s) of cell cycle, amount of DNA in a cell remains at 4C level if the initial amount is denoted as 2C?

G1 → 2C

S → 4C

G2 → 4 C

M → 2 C

#13. The complex formed by a pair of synapsed homologous chromosomes is called :

#14. Meiosis takes place in :

Reproductive cells or germ cells.

#15. During gamete formation, the enzyme recombinase participates during

#16. Identify the meiotic stage in which the homologous chromosomes separate while the sister chromatids remain associated at their centromeres:

#17. Select the correct option with respect to mitosis

AnaphasePoleward movement of chromosome

#18. At metaphase, chromosomes are attached to the spindle fibres by their

#19. During mitosis ER and nucleolus begin to disappear at

ER and nucleolus begin to disappear at early prophase where condensation of chromatin begins.

#20. Synapsis occurs between

Homologous chromosomes are two similar chromosomes contributed by both parents.

#21. At what stage of the cell cycle are histone proteins synthesized in a eukaryotic cell ?

DNA replication and histone protein synthesis occurs in S-phase.

#22. Centromere is required for

Movement of chromosomes towards poles, it provides site for attachment of spindle fiberes.

#23. Comparing small and large cells, which statement is correct?

Small cells – Surface area to volume ratio high exchange rate of nutrients fast.

#24. In a somatic cell cycle, DNA synthesis takes place in

In a cell cycle DNA synthesis occurs only in S-phase.

#25. In the somatic cell cycle

Interphase occupies 95% time of cell cycle.

#26. How many chromosomes will the cell have at G1, after S and after M phase respectively, if it has 14 chromosomes at interphase?

Because number of chromosome remain same in mitosis : it equational division.

#27. Which of the following represents the best stage to view the shape, size and number of chromosomes?

Because at this stage, chromosomes are completely condensed and clearly visible.

#28. Each chromosome at the anaphase stage of a bone marrow cell in our body has

Because centromere split and chromatid move towards respective poles.

#29. Colchicine is an inhibitory chemical, which

Colchicine checks assembly of microtubules and prevents their polymerisation.

#30. During cell division in apical meristem, the nuclear membrane appears in

Nuclear envelope reappears in telophase.

#31. Which of the following structure will not be common to mitotic cell of a higher plant?

Centriole is not present in plant cell.

#32. Spindle fibre unite with which structure of chromosomes?

Kinetochore is a disc like structure present at centromere.

#33. Best material for the study of mitosis in laboratory is

Because it is apical meristem where actively dividing cells are present.

#34. If a diploid cell is treated with colchicine then it becomes

Because colchicine affects microtubules synthesis thus, arrest cell division at anaphase stage, 2n → 4n

#35. In the given figure of cell cycle choose the phase (A to D) in which DNA replication takes place In the given figure of cell cycle choose the phase (A to D) in which DNA replication takes place




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  1. q were good but many q related to dna replication of s phase and kinetochore where spindle fiber attach change them with new q….


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