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Transport in Plants Biology Quiz for NEET

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Details of Transport in Plants Biology Quiz for NEET
No. of Questions in Quiz31 with Explanation
Time for each Questions60 Seconds
Attempts AllowedUnlimited
Pass Percentage70 %

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#1. Which of the following is not a feature of active transport of solutes in plants?

Active transport is uphill transport which requires membrane proteins and ATP. It is highly selective.

#2. What will be the direction of flow of water when a plant cell is placed in a hypotonic solution?

Water moves from high water potential to low water potential

#3. The main difference between active and passive transport across cell membrane is :

In active transport, materials are transported across a membrane with the help of mobile carrier protein and ATP.

In passive transport, substances move along the concentration gradient, i.e., from its higher concentration to its lower concentration.

#4. What is the direction of movement of sugars in phloem?

The direction of movement of sugar in phloem is bi-directional as it depends on source-sink relationship which is variable in plants.

#5. Xylem translocates.

Xylem is associated with tanslocation of mainly water, mineral salts, some organic nitrogen and hormones.

#6. Pinus seed cannot germinate and established without fungal association. This is because :

Fungus associated with roots of Pinus increases minerals & water absorption for the plant by increasing surface area and in turn fungus gets food from plant. Therefore, mycorrhizal association is obligatory for Pinus seed germination

#7. Stomatal movement is not affected by

Light, temperature and concentration of CO2 affect opening and closing of stomata while they are not affected by O2 concentration.

#8. Which of the following facilitates opening of stomatal aperture?

Cellulose microfibrils are oriented radially rather than longitudinally which makes easy for the stoma to open.

#9. The water potential of pure water is

By convention, the water potential of pure water at standard temperature, which is not under any pressure, is taken to be zero.

#10. A few drops of sap were collected by cutting across a plant stem by a suitable method. The sap was tested chemically. Which one of the following test results indicates that it is phloem sap?

Alkaline pH (7.8 – 8.0) is present in phloem sap where as xylem sap is acidic.

#11. Water vapour comes out from the plant leaf through the stomatal opening. Through the same stomatal opening carbon dioxide diffuses into the plant during photosynthesis. Reason out the above statements using one of following options

Diffusion of water vapour and CO2 are independent process. Their diffusion depends on the difference in their partial pressure.

#12. Root pressure develops due to

As various ions from the soil are actively transported into the vascular tissues of the roots, water follows and increases the pressure inside the xylem i.e., root pressure (positive pressure).

#13. A column of water within xylem vessels of tall trees does not break under its weight because of

 Tensile strength is the ability to resist pulling forces.

#14. Transpiration and root pressure cause water to rise in plants by

#15. In a ring girdled plant

#16. Which one gives the most valid and recent explanation for stomatal movements?

#17. Which of the following criteria does not pertain to facilitated transport?

#18. Lenticels are involved in

#19. Guttation is the result of

Due to passive absorption of solute and solvent, there is accumulation of molecules which creates a positive hydrostatic pressure in roots.

#20. Which one of the following structures between two adjacent cells is an effective transport pathway?

#21. Guard cells help in:

#22. Guard cells help in:

Transpiration occurs due to opening of guard cell.

#23. The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in the water column in vessel/tracheids during the ascent of sap because of

Cohesion between water molecules. Adhesion between water molecules and lignocellulosic walls of xylem.

#24. Two cells A and B are contiguous. Cell A has osmotic pressure 10 atm, turgor pressure - 7atm and diffusion pressure deficit 3 atm. Cell B has osmotic pressure 8 atm, turgor pressure 3 atm and diffusion pressure deficit 5atm. The result will be:

Water moves from low DPD to high DPD.

Full form of DPD – diffusion pressure deficit

#25. The translocation of organic solutes in sieve tube members is supported by :

#26. Potometer works on the principle of

#27. When water enters in roots due to diffusion, it is termed as

As it does not require energy.

#28. When water moves through a semipermeable membrane then which of the following pressure develops?

Turgor pressure develops when volume of cytoplasm increases and cell wall exerts a pressure.

#29. When a cell is fully turgid, which of the following will be zero?

Because in fully turgid cell DPD will be 0.

#30. With an increase in the turgidity of a cell, the wall pressure will

Because increase in turgidity means increase in volume of cell which will put a pressure of walls of cell which is Turgor pressure.

#31. The water potential and osmotic potential of pure water are




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  1. Awesome i am from nepal i know about this app from vedantu telegram channel really helpful give some extr conceptual Q in last of each topic like 10 conceptual Q sir so we able to catch it.


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