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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants NEET Quiz
Questions in this NEET Quiz are taken from following Topics
🌸 Flower – A Fascinating Organ of Angiosperms
🌱 Pre-fertilisation : Structures and Events
🌾 Double Fertilisation
🌷 Post-fertilisation: Structures and Events
🌼 Apomixis and Polyembryony
Note : All these Questions of Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants NEET Quiz are directly taken from our favorite NCERT Textbook and Previous year Questions Papers.
No. of Questions in Quiz | 29 with Explanation |
Time for each Questions | 60 Seconds |
Attempts Allowed | Unlimited |
Available | Always |
Pass Percentage | 70 % |
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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Quiz NEET
#1. Pollen grains can be stored for several years in liquid nitrogen having a temperature of
#2. Which of the following has proved helpful in preserving pollen as fossils?
Sporopollenin cannot be degraded by enzyme; strong acids and alkali, therefore it is helpful in preserving pollen as fossil.
#3. A dioecious flowering plant prevents both
When unisexual male and female flowers are present on different plants the condition is called dioecious and it prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy.
#4. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops into
#5. Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated by
Wind pollination or anemophily is favoured by flowers having a single ovule in each ovary, and numerous flowers packed in an inflorescence. Wind pollination is a non-directional pollination.
#6. Double fertilization is exhibited by
Double fertilization is a characteristic feature exhibited by angiosperms. It involves syngamy and triple fusion.
#7. In majority of angiosperms
Megaspore Mother Cell (MMC) undergoes meiosis to form megaspore.
#8. Pollination in water hyacinth and water lily is brought about by the agency of
Water hyacinth and water lily are aquatic plants pollinated by insect or wind.
#9. The ovule of an angiosperm is technically equivalent to
Integumented and stalked megasporangium is called ovule.
#10. Which one of the following statements is not true?
Tapetum provides nourishment to developing pollen grain.
#11. Proximal end of the filament of stamen is attached to the
A typical stamen consist of anther and filament. The proximal end of filament is attached to thalamus or petal of the flower where as distal and bears anther.
#12. The coconut water from tender coconut represents
Coconut milk represents free nuclear endosperm where the division of PEN is not followed by cytokinesis.
#13. Which of the following statements is not correct?
Pollen grains of different species are incompatible, so they fail to germinate.
#14. Seed formation without fertilization in flowering plants involves the process of
Apomixis is a special mechanism to produce seeds without fertilisation.
#15. Male gametophyte in angiosperms produces
In angiosperms, pollen grain is first male gametophyte. Pollen grain divides into generative cell and vegetative cell. Generative cell further divides into two sperms.
#16. Filiform apparatus is characteristic feature of :
Filiform apparatus is finger like projections in each synergid.
#17. The wheat grain has an embryo with one large shield-shaped cotyledon known as:
Scutellum is the large persistent cotyledon in embryo of wheat grain.
#18. Which one of the following fruits is parthenocarpic?
Formation of fruit without fertilisation is called parthenocarpy. Banana is a parthenocarpic fruit therefore seedless.
#19. In angiosperms, microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis
In angiosperms, microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis involve meiosis.
#20. Which one of the following statements is not true?
Honey is made by using nectar of flowering plants.
#21. The hilum is a scar on the
The hilum is a scar on the seed coat through which the developing seeds were attached to the fruit.
#22. Which one of the following may require pollinators, but is genetically similar to autogamy?
Geitonogamy is genetically similar to autogamy since the pollen grains comes from the same plant.
#23. Which of the following are the important floral rewards to the animal pollinators?
Nectar and pollen grains are the usual floral rewards.
#24. Transmission tissue is characteristic feature of
A solid style has transmission tissue with large intercellular spaces which allows growth of pollen tube.
#25. Geitonogamy involves
Geitonogamy is transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant.
#26. Pollen tablets are available in the market for
Pollen grains are rich in nutrients and it has become a fashion in recent years to use pollen tablets as food supplements.
#27. Function of filiform apparatus is to
Filiform apparatus, present in synergids, play an important role in guiding the pollen tube into the synergid.
#28. Perisperm differs from endosperm in
Nucellus remnant is called – Perisperm (2n)
#29. Double fertilization is
Double fertilization is a unique phenomenon that occur in angiosperms only.
Syngamy Triple fusion = Double fertilization
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Good question
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Thanks a lot for such good content😊.
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Got 28/29!
Nice so great quize
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i think you should add more questions to it but all the questions were good, thank you!!
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Ncert based question ❤❤❤❤❤❤👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
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Amount of question is low but the question is very good because they based on ncert please amount of question increases
Thanks we add more questions soon
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All questions are from previous year exam so add other NCERT based questions.
We start soon ncert based quiz
Yes,it will be so useful for us plz sir soon start Ncert based quizzes.
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Helpfull 🤗🤗
Good questions but i thik there must be more questions from the post fertilization topic
Pls do similar quizzes for chemistry and physics too… Questions are really good
Thanks Please share with friends Team working on it. Lot’s of Time behind making this Quiz
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We have to buy software
Achha tha
Achha tha😊😊😊
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sir/ mam plz start chemistry and physics. its humble request . exam are near .so plz ….
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It’s really good , very nice questions Thank you 😊
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You should involve some questions from different kind of books
And seperate each question from other with its seperate timer
So that we can analyse where we lag
Ok we try this from next time
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Tq for this 😊😊
Pls make quiz on physics and chemistry also
If u don’t mind🙏🙏
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quize was really osm but I need more questions for maximum practics
Sir, you are doing fabulous job, bcz of you we can give such type of test everywhere and everytime… It’s build our concept very well…We will also love if you do some updates in this means adding more features in this website…
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So good 👍😊 thank you
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