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Breathing and Exchange of Gases Biology Quiz for NEET

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Details of Breathing and Exchange of Gases Biology Quiz for NEET
No. of Questions in Quiz 25 with Explanation
Time for each Questions 60 Seconds
Attempts Allowed Unlimited
Available Always
Pass Percentage 70 %

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#1. Which of the following options correctly represents the lung conditions in asthma and emphysema, respectively?

#2. Which of the following is an occupational respiratory disorder?

Silicosis is due to excess inhalation of silica dust in the workers involved grinding or stone breaking industries.

#3. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs the alveoli. They do not collapse even after forceful expiration, because of

#4. The partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs is

Partial pressure of oxygen in alveoli of lungs is 104 mm of Hg that is more than that of blood in pulmonary artery (40 mm of Hg).

#5. Lungs do not collapse between breaths and some air always remains in the lungs which can never be expelled because

#6. Name the chronic respiratory disorder caused mainly by cigarette smoking

Emphysema is characterised by inflation of alveoli which is mainly due to chronic cigarette smoking.

#7. Reduction in pH of blood will

Reduction in pH of blood favours the dissociation of oxyhemoglobin.

#8. Asthma may be attributed to

#9. When you hold your breath, which of the following gas changes in blood would first lead to the urge to breathe?

#10. Approximately seventy percent of carbon-dioxide absorbed by the blood will be transported to the lungs

#11. A large proportion of oxygen is left unused in the human blood even after its uptake by the body tissues. This O2

#12. Bulk of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from body tissues into the blood is present as

#13. What is vital capacity of our lungs?

Vital capacity is the maximum volume of air a person can breathe in after a forceful expiration.

Vital capacity (VC) = Total lung capacity – Residual volume

#14. Which group of animals respire through lungs?

#15. Skin of man cannot act as a respiratory organ because

#16. What is the function of respiratory part of human respiratory system?

#17. Ventrally and laterally, the thoracic chamber is formed by

Thoracic cavity is formed :

Dorsally – By the vertebral column

Ventrally – By the sternum

Laterally – By the ribs

#18. Which of the following prevents collapsing of trachea?

Trachea is lined by C-shaped cartilagenous ring, which prevents the collapsing of trachea.

#19. Number of alveoli in the human lungs has been estimated to be approximately

There are approximately 600 – 800 million alveoli in the two lungs of a human being

#20. Diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscular structure which separates

#21. An additional volume of air, a person can inspire by a forceful inspiration is known as

#22. Volume of air remains in the lungs after normal expiration is

#23. Solubility of CO2 is ______ times higher than that of O2

#24. What is the value of pO2 in alveoli and tissues respectively?

#25. How many O2 molecules can bind with single molecule of Hb?




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43 thoughts on “Breathing and Exchange of Gases Biology Quiz for NEET”

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  1. question 19 of breathing is wrong there is 300 million alveoli in one lung not in both… thanks for the effort these questions are very nice…

  2. Nice question and it is helping me a lottt as I have done every mock I can say with confidence that this is according to the ncert….

  3. Nice question and it is helping me a lottt as I have done every mock I can say with confidence that this is according to the ncert….
    Nd it will really help u to boast ur Confidence….

  4. But ur questions r good. All from NCERT. But can make some high-level questions too for neet preparation like statement-based and assertion- reason based.


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