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Morphology of Flowering Plants Biology NEET Quiz Online

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Details of Morphology of flowering Plants Biology NEET Quiz Online
No. of Questions in Quiz35 with Explanation
Time for each Questions60 Seconds
Attempts AllowedUnlimited
Pass Percentage70 %

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#1. Pneumatophores occur in

Halophytes like mangrooves have pneumatophores.

Apogeotropic (–vely geotropic) roots having lenticels called pneumathodes to uptake O2.

#2. Sweet potato is a modified

Sweet potato is a modified adventitious root for storage of food

• Rhizomes are underground modified stem

• Tap root is primary root directly elongated from the radicle

#3. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of

Thorns are hard, pointed straight structures for protection. These are modified stem.

#4. The morphological nature of the edible part of coconut is

Coconut has double endosperm with liquid endosperm and cellular endosperm.

#5. Root hairs develop from the region of

In roots, the root hairs arise from zone of maturation. This zone is differentiated zone thus bearing root hairs.

#6. Coconut fruit is a

Coconut fruit is a drupe. A drupe develops from monocarpellary superior ovary and are one seeded.

#7. The term 'polyadelphous' is related to

The stamens may be united into one bundle (monoadelphous), or two bundles (diadelphous) or into more than two bundles (polyadelphous).

#8. How many plants among Indigofera, Sesbania, Salvia, Allium, Aloe, mustard, groundnut, radish, gram and turnip have stamens with different lengths in their flowers?

Brassicaceae, A₂₊₄ → Mustard, Radish, Turnip

Lamiaceae, A₂₊₂ → Salvia

#9. Radial symmetry is found in the flowers of

Radial or actinomorphic symmetry is found in flowers like mustard, Datura, Chilli.

#10. Free-central placentation is found in

Dianthus, Primrose – Free central placentation. Argemone – Parietal placentation. Citrus – Axile placentation.

#11. Cotyledon of maize gain is called

Large, shield shaped cotyledon of grass family is called scutellum.

#12. Tricarpellary, syncarpous gynoecium is found in flowers of

#13. Which of the following is not a stem modification?

Pitcher of Nepenthes is modified leaf.

#14. Stems modified into flat green organs performing the functions of leaves are known as

Phylloclades are modified stem, i.e., green flat structure as in Opuntia.

#15. The standard petal of a papilionaceous corolla is also called

The standard petal of a papilionaceous corolla is also called vexillum.

#16. Among china rose, mustard, brinjal, potato, guava, cucumber, onion and tulip, how many plants have superior ovary?

Superior ovary is found in plants i.e. china rose, mustard, brinjal, potato, onion and tulip.

#17. Flowers are unisexual in

Flowers are unisexual in cucumber. [Family – Cucurbitaceae]

#18. Leaves become modified into spines in

#19. Keel is the characteristic feature of flower of

#20. Perigynous flowers are found in

#21. Which one of the following statements is correct?

A proteinaceous aleurone layer is present in maize grain

#22. An example of edible underground stem is

Potato is edible underground stem.

#23. Placenta and pericarp are both edible portions in :

In tomato, placenta and pericarp both are edible portions.

#24. When the margins of sepals or petals overlap one another without any particular direction, the condition is termed as:

Imbricate aestivation – One internal, one external and others margin overlapping.

#25. An aggregate fruit is one which develops from

Aggregate fruit – Multicarpellary apocarpous gynoecium

#26. Non-albuminous seed is produced in

Non-albuminous seed – Dicot (exception castor) e.g; pea

#27. Seed coat is not thin, membranous in

In coconut, seed coat is membranous.

#28. Among bittter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, china rose, lupin, cucumber, sunnhemp, gram, guava, bean, chilli, plum, Petunia, tomato, rose, Withania, potato, onion, Aloe, and Tulip how many plants have hypogynous flower?

Plants having hypogynous flowers are: Mustard, Brinjal, China rose, Sunnhemp, Bean, Gram, Lupin, Chilli, Petunia, Tomato, Withania, Potato, Onion, Aloe, Tulip

#29. In china rose the flower are

China rose flowers are – Actinomorphic – Hypogynous – Twisted aestivation

#30. Placentation in tomato and lemon is

Axile placentation. e.g., Tomato & Lemon

#31. Vexillary aestivation is characteristic of the family

Fabaceae family – Vexillary aestivation

#32. Phyllode is present in

Phyllode is present in Australian Acacia.

#33. Cymose inflorescence is present in

Solanum shows cymose inflorescence

#34. Which one of the following organisms is correctly matched with its three characteristics?

We Checked this Question on various websites we found correct option 4. But we found best option 3.

#35. How many plants in the list given below have marginal placentation ? Mustard, Gram, Tulip, Asparagus, Arhar, Sun hemp, Chilli, Colchicine, Onion, Moong, Pea, Tobacco. Lupin

Gram, Arhar, Sunhemp, moong, pea & Lupin




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  1. Amazing quiz …… I enjoyed it alot ….. I have an query regarding Question number #34 as in that question option number 4th is also correct but it is showing only option 3 … Plz reply as soon as possible
    Thx …

  2. Loved the quiz! Just a little request. Some questions from deleted portions are there. Please update so that there’s no issue regarding syllabus 🙂


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